Internship Scholarships – Japan

Internships in Japan will provide Switzerland-based students from universities and universities of applied sciences with first-hand work experience in an innovative company environment. The students from all disciplines can gain intercultural and practical experience and become competent of working in and with an Asian environment. In exchange, the students will provide their host companies with their particular knowledge and expertise, new ideas, time and interest to learn and work. The companies shall profit from the intercultural exchange likewise.
ETH Zurich as the Leading House for the Swiss Bilateral Science and Technology Programme with Asia offers internships in Japan in cooperation with the external page Science and Technology Office (STO) at the Embassy of Switzerland in Tokyo. The programme supports the internships with small scholarships to cover travel and living allowance.
Calls for applications for internship positions are being launched on an ad hoc basis. Should you be interested in receiving information, please subscribe to our call distribution list.
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