Grantee Stories
Grantee Stories Preview
Opportunity Grant – Japan 2021/Patrick Fleming
Mobility Grant - Switzerland/South Korea 2022/Ao Fujii
Opportunity Grant – Singapore 2020/Carlina Teteris
Innovation Partnership Grant - Japan 2020-2021/Klaus Zahn
Mobility Grant - Japan 2022/Marius Lutz
Asia Industry Internship - South Korea 2022/Sam Aegerter
Covid-19 Grant - South Korea 2020-2021/Sarah Geber

LH Asia Grantee Success Stories
Over the years, many early career and seniors researchers, as well as students have benefited from the various funding instruments that the Leading House Asia offers.
These have given way to successful, and often ongoing, research projects thanks to continuous collaboration and cooperation between the Switzerland-based researchers and their Asian collaborators.
Discover the former grantees’ insights and experiences on the different funding instruments they benefited from.
Please note that due to some changes in the mandates over the past years, some previous grants have been renamed/recategorised for harmonisation purposes.
- Mobility Grantee Stories
- Research Grantee Stories
- Innovation Grantee Stories
- Opportunity Grantee Stories