ASEAN 2013-2020
Workshop with research agencies from Switzerland, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam
2 - 3 November 2016, Singapore ETH Centre SEC, Singapore

Workshop with research agencies from Switzerland, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam
2 - 3 November 2016, Singapore ETH Centre SEC, Singapore
In order to explore new strategic partnerships with the Asia-Pacific region, the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) commissioned ETH Zurich as a Leading House (LH) in 2013. Since then, the LH conducted a series of workshops, calls for small projects and other activities, which revealed Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam to be of major interest to the Swiss science community. The goal of the workshop was to intensify the scientific collaboration with these five countries and to explore the potential for expanding bilateral and multilateral collaboration.
More than 60 participants attended the workshop, representing ministries of higher education, research and innovation, as well as national S&T agencies and university leaders of the five Asian countries and Switzerland. It involved 8 representatives of regional networks and agencies.
The workshop took place in in the premises of the Singapore ETH Centre (SEC). It was opened by Ambassador Mauro Moruzzi from SERI, who explained the principles of Swiss engagement in international S&T collaboration and confirmed the interest of SERI to continue bilateral collaboration with Asian countries. Overviews of the Higher Education, Research and Innovation (ERI) systems of Switzerland and each of the five participating countries complemented his presentation.
Case studies of multilateral project collaboration introduced the regional dimension to the workshop programme. This aspect was deepened by several presentations on regional programmes and agencies.
The workshop finished with parallel group discussions to derive conclusions and recommendations for future collaboration on Regional cooperation, National policies and instruments, Research collaboration, and the Validation of experiences.
The workshop highlighted the complexities of the different national systems, but at the same time showed their commonalities. All countries have similar sets of national thematic research priorities (e.g. water, food security, urbanization, energy, climate, nanotechnology, material sciences, digital revolution). All countries strive to raise in international rankings, such as the Global Innovation Index.
Some trends have become evident in the course of the past years: increasing importance of regional integration, particularly in the context of ASEAN, the increasing weight of HE and S&T in national policies, and the value of brain circulation regionally and globally.
All participants expressed their interest in continued research collaboration with partners in Switzerland. Opportunities for mobilising matching funds vary from country to country. Some countries have mechanisms for bilateral agreements at the national level, while others can more easily tap small resources at the level of the individual university, and later complement successful initiatives with funds from other sources.
The dimension of regional collaboration in the context of ASEAN and similar regional networks only emerged in the course of the on-going programme. The workshop confirmed the validity of this approach and encouraged the organisers to explore this option further. The Swiss participation in the South East Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme (JFS) 2017-2020 provides a concrete opportunity to get engaged at the regional level.
The Leading House will inform all workshop participants and the wider SE Asian network on further opportunities and activities after the final policy decision in 2017.
Introduction to the workshop
Download Welcome address (PDF, 534 KB), Prof. Peter Edwards, Director Singapore-ETH Center
Download Goals of the workshop (PDF, 1.4 MB), Dr. Barbara Becker, ETH Global
Download Overview of Swiss Higher Education Landscape (PDF, 1.8 MB), Ms. Anouk de Bast
Download The Role of the Swiss National Science Foundation (PDF, 7.2 MB), Dr. Stéphanie Boder-Pasche
Download Switzerland's Strategy 2017-2020 (PDF, 1.2 MB), Ambassador Mauro Moruzzi
Collaboration Policies and Funding Mechanisms of National S&T Agencies
Download Malaysia (PDF, 2.9 MB), Dr. Yew Ngin Sang
Indonesia, Dr. Muhammad Dimyati Markum
Download Indonesia (PDF, 3 MB), Dr. Bambang Setiadi
Download Thailand (PDF, 659 KB), Dr. Somnuk Sirisoonthorn
Download The Philippines (PDF, 3.7 MB), Prof. Maribel G. Nonato
Download Vietnam (PDF, 484 KB), Dr. Vu Tuan Hung
Regional and Multilateral Case Studies Involving Swiss Institutions
Download Building-up a Swiss-ASEAN Learning and Teaching Network (PDF, 8.5 MB), Dr. Teresa L. Freiburghaus
Download Joint Translation and Interpreting Development Effort in Thailand and the ASEAN region I (PDF, 994 KB), Prof. Michaela Albl-Mikasa
Download Joint Translation and Interpreting Development Effort in Thailand and the ASEAN region II (PDF, 21.5 MB), Prof. Maneeratana Sawasdiwat Na Ayutthaya
Future Cities Laboratory Regional Research Partnership Model, Prof. Stephan Cairns
Introduction to Multilateral Science Organisations and Singaporean Science Initiatives
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation APEC, Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation, Bernard Li
Download National Research Foundation Singapore (PDF, 1.8 MB), Dr. Weijie Zhang
ASEAN-Related Networks and Regional Funding Agencies
Download ADB's experience in South East Asia (PDF, 1.1 MB), Wolfgang Kubitzki
Download EURAXESS Links (PDF, 990 KB), Dr. Susanne Rentzow-Vasu
Download SEA-EU-NET (PDF, 780 KB), Phawika Rueannoi
Workshop Group Summaries
Download WG 1: Regional cooperation (PDF, 10 KB), chaired by Gabriela Tejada, Rapporteur: Nguyen Huy Hoang (Vietnam)
Download WG 2: National policies and instruments (PDF, 150 KB), chaired by Yasmine Inauen, Rapporteur: Nitia Samuel (Malaysia)
Download WG 3: Research collaboration (PDF, 42 KB), chaired and reported by Maribel G. Nonato
Download WG 4: Validation of experiences (PDF, 76 KB), chaired and reported by Anouk de Bast
Short Course for Science Administrators of
Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam and Switzerland
23-25 May 2016, University of Applies Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), Olten, Switzerland

From 23 to 25 May 2016 around 30 science administrators from universities in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam and Switzerland met at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) in Olten to discuss opportunities and challenges of international research collaboration. The workshop was jointly organised by external page FHNW and ETH Zurich as part the exploratory activities in the bilateral programme with countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Presentations and topical discussions were organised in four domains (see presentations in the box below): Science policy and international scientific collaboration; Funding and supervision of international scientific collaboration; Cultural context of scientific activities; and Governance / Organisational aspects. Presentations by the Asian participants set the scene for lively interaction and exchange of experiences.
On the second day the participants had the opportunity to visit Swiss universities in Zurich, Basel or Lausanne and meet representatives of national agencies in Berne. En route, the trips provided a welcome opportunity for some sightseeing, with a final tour through the Swiss capital Berne.
A session with embassy representatives of the Asian countries concluded the workshop. For the embassies it was the first interaction of its kind with the science community in Switzerland, which was highly appreciated.
In conclusion, all participants benefitted from the exchange of experiences and networking opportunities. The Asian participants particularly appreciated the excursions and insights into the Swiss higher education and research system. The workshop provided a good opportunity for networking between universities and universities of applied sciences, and for highlighting the added-value of their complementarity within the Swiss system.
The workshop will be complemented by a second part to take place in Singapore in November 2016. The second event will further develop the topics raised during the first workshop, but expand participation to representatives of national agencies. It will shift the focus to the political and regional context of South-East Asia with its fast development and investment in the field of higher education. In addition, regional networks and investment entities, such as ASEAN or the newly founded Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will be part of the programme and share their assessment of the current developments in the field of international scientific collaboration. Further details will be communicated soon.
Monday, 23 May 2016 at FHNW in Olten
Introduction to the workshop
Download Goals and objectives of the Short course for Science Administrators, (PDF, 6.4 MB) Dr. Barbara Becker, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Download Introduction to the Swiss higher education landscape, (PDF, 1.5 MB) Anouk de Bast, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, Switzerland
Download International scientific collaboration: a map of key aspects, (PDF, 2 MB) Prof. Markus Freiburghaus, FHNW, Switzerland
Domain 1: Science policy and international scientific collaboration
Download Mahidol University, Thailand (PDF, 5.7 MB)
Prof. Sansanee Chaiyaroj
Download Forreign Trade University, Vietnam (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Prof. Nguyen Thu Thuy
Download University of the Philippines Diliman, The Philippines (PDF, 7.7 MB)
Prof. Jose M P Balmaceda
Domain 2: Funding and supervision of international scientific collaboration
Download University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (PDF, 1.9 MB)
Dr. Tran Mai Dong
Domain 3: Cultural context of scientific activities
Download University Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia (PDF, 15 MB)
Prof. Dr. Farok Zakaria
Download Ateneo de Manila University, The Philippines (PDF, 2.6 MB)
Dr. Emilyn Q. Espiritu
Domain 4: Governance and Organisational aspects
Download Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia (PDF, 3.3 MB)
Download Malaysia-Swiss Joint Research Publications 2011-2015 (PDF, 135 KB)
Prof Dr. Mohd Shahir Shamsir Omar
Download Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (PDF, 8.6 MB)
Mayrianti Annisa Anwar
Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at SNSF in Bern
Download Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF (PDF, 6.1 MB)
Evelyne Glättli, Deputy Head International Co-operation SNSF
Download Commission for Technology and Innovation, CTI (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Alain Dietrich and Barbara Pfluger, CTI
Download Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries, KFPE (PDF, 8.5 MB)
Dr. Jon-Andri Lys
Download Poster ZHAW: ASEAN-Swiss Language Management Observatory (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Johanna Decurtins, ZHAW
Wednesday, 25 May 2016 at FHNW in Olten
Download Keynote from the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, SERI (PDF, 813 KB)
Dr. Beatrice Ferrari, SERI
Download Vietnam's scientific landscape (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Mr. Dinh Ngoc Linh, Embassy of Indonesia
Download Research Policy and Development in Indonesia (PDF, 199 KB)
Ms. Sasanti Nordewati, First Secretary, Embassy of Indonesia
Download Short course for science administrators – Wrap-up and conclusions (PDF, 619 KB)
Dr. Barbara Becker, ETH Global
Workshop on International Research Partnerships between Switzerland and Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam
11-12 June 2014, Singapore ETH Centre SEC, Singapore
Mandated by the external page Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), ETH Zurich is in charge of promoting scientific cooperation with key institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. The objective of the workshop was to explore the potential for bilateral research collaboration between Switzerland and Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. In a survey in 2013 these four countries were identified as having the highest number of research links with Switzerland.
70 participants attended the workshop, 15 from Malaysia (9 of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia from Johor, the neighbouring city to Singapore), 10 from Vietnam, 9 from Thailand, 4 from Indonesia, as well as 14 from different Swiss universities. Further participants were the key speakers from S. Korea and Singapore as well as representatives from the host institution ETH Zürich. The workshop took place in in the premises of the Singapore ETH Centre (SEC) and was opened with a lab tour through the Future Cities Laboratory.
The workshop was organized back-to-back with the 10th anniversary of external page swissnex Singapore and was opened by the Swiss State Secretary Dr Mauro Dell’Ambrogio. In his speech he stated that “today’s Asia is undoubtedly one of the most dynamic regions of the world, where many interesting challenges will be encountered, and from where some of the best answers to these challenges will come.”
The core of the plenary programme consisted of presentations of the education, research and innovation landscapes of Switzerland and the four countries to be explored. They were complemented by inputs on S. Korea and Singapore as case studies of Asian success stories were S&T had been instrumental as drivers of economic growth and development.
Two issues emerged as fundamental differences between Switzerland and the Asian countries: (i) bottom-up vs. top-down systems, and (ii) the interface between publicly funded research and private industry. While universities and individual professors in Switzerland are largely autonomous in identifying their research portfolios, in the participating Asian countries research agendas in general follow government priorities and are passed down from the national to the university level. Industry-related research and technology development is either done in private universities of dominant companies attached e.g. to the oil and mining sector, or are public investments in government-owned industries. The cases of S. Korea and Singapore clearly showed how over time both countries moved slowly from highly targeted applied research investments to an increasingly broader research portfolio with a higher share of fundamental research. Both countries, however, maintain a top-down model of research priority setting.
Impressions of the first workshop day were exchanged during a “Foresight Café”. The ideas gathered during this exercise referred to resources, cross-cutting research themes, principles and approaches, and the like. Among others, the participants highlighted soft success factors of international research partnerships such as vision, passion, mutual interests, open minds, champions, leadership, and “from brain to heart”.
Parallel working groups on the second day served to discuss the balance between research and innovation as well as instruments and modalities for international research collaboration. To trigger maximum interaction the consecutive groups on the two topics were mixed by stakeholders and by countries, respectively. The participants appreciated the experiences of their peers in other countries, and found ample communalities as well as new ideas from which they could learn. One of the working group conclusions was that international collaboration is not an end in itself, but a means to an end.
The conclusions of the workshop will feed into recommendations to the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). The next step will be a call for pilot projects to establish or deepen research relations between Swiss and Asian partners. The call will be announced on this website.
Presentations and Workshop Results
Introduction to the workshop
Download Welcome address (PDF, 365 KB), Mauro Dell'Ambrogio, State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation, Switzerland
Download Welcome address (PDF, 422 KB), Peter Edwards, Director, Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC)
Download Introduction to the workshop objectives (PDF, 4 MB), Gerhard Schmitt, Senior Vice-President, ETH Zurich
National. Higher Education & Research Landscapes
The education, research and innovation landscapes of
Download Vietnam (PDF, 1.5 MB), Ms Dr Thi Ly Pham, Director, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City / CEER, Nguyen Tat Thanh University
Download Thailand (PDF, 828 KB), Prof. Dr Soottiporn Chittmittrapap, Secretary General, National Research Council of Thailand
Download Malaysia (PDF, 4 MB), Ms Prof. Noorsaadah A Rahman, Director, Institute of Research Management & Monitoring, University of Malaya
Download Indonesia (PDF, 5.6 MB), Prof. Dr Wawan Gunawan, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Institute of Technology Bandung
Case Study South Korea: Download The South Korean research and innovation Landscape and its international dimensions (PDF, 1.6 MB), Dr. Yongsuk Jang, Science and Technology Policy Institute
Case Study Korea: Download Industrial Technology Cooperation Program of KIAT (PDF, 8.7 MB), Dr. SangKeun, Lee, Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology
Case Study Korea: Download Bilateral Korean-Swiss S&T Programme (PDF, 822 KB), Dr. Rahel Byland, ETH Zurich
Case study: Download Singapore’s internationalisation of research and innovation, Prof. Teck Seng LOW, CEO, National Research Foundation (NRF)
Download Introduction to the Swiss education, research and innovation landscape (PDF, 2 MB), Barbara Becker, Director Global Transformation Affairs, ETH Zurich
Download Funding Fundamental Research (PDF, 2.7 MB), Jean-Luc Barras, Head of Division International Co-operation, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Download List of pitches (Swiss universities) and posters (PDF, 89 KB) on case studies of research collaboration between Switzerland & Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam
Instruments for International Science Collaboration
Foresight Café: Download The future of education, research and innovation landscapes (PDF, 313 KB)
Download Introduction to working group sessions (PDF, 305 KB)
Download Working groups on balancing science and innovation (PDF, 447 KB)
Download Synthesis of the workshop outcomes and findings and next steps (PDF, 502 KB)

Workshop “Collaboration in research, education and innovation between Switzerland and the Asia-Pacific region”
27 November 2013, ETH Zurich
50 representatives from universities, universities of applied sciences, universities of teacher education, research institutions, national research agencies and the federal administration met to discuss the potential of scientific and educational collaboration with the most promising countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Mandated by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). Professor Ralph Eichler, President of ETH Zurich, and Ambassador Mauro Moruzzi, head of the International Affairs Division of SERI, opened the workshop. The goal of the workshop was to present the results of a survey on existing ties between Swiss scientific and educational institutions with partner institutions of countries in the region and derive conclusions for future collaboration in the field of research, education and innovation. As a result of the workshop, the following countries appear to be most promising for intensified future collaboration: Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.