Japan 2008-2020

7-9 March 2016, Japanese Swiss Energy Materials Workshop at EMPA, Dübendorf, The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), ETH Zurich in its function as Swiss Leading House and Empa are jointly organizing the Japanese Swiss Energy Materials Workshop.

18-20 March 2015, Tokyo, Japanese-Swiss Joint Workshop on Aging, Health and Technology
The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the University of Zurich as Associated Leading House jointly hosted a Workshop on Aging, Health and Technology in Tokyo as part of the Japanese-Swiss strategic bilateral science and technology partnership.

21–22 November 2013, Swiss-Kyoto Symposium, ETH Zurich
The University of Zurich, EPFL and ETH Zurich jointly organized a symposium with Kyoto University, Japan, to expand the cooperation and exchange between Swiss and Japanese researchers. It was one of the events to celebrate 150 years of Japanese-Swiss diplomatic relations and was supported by the Japanese Embassy in Bern.

9-11 October 2013, Swiss-Japanese Nanoscience Workshop - Materials Phenomena at Small Scale, Tsukuba, Japan
Within the celebrations for the 150-years anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Japan, NIMS, JST and ETH Zurich as Leading House for the Swiss-Japanese bilateral S&T Program jointly organized a workshop bringing together top scientists in nanosciences from the two countries.