Young Researchers’ Exchange Programme - National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

ETH Zurich as the Leading House Asia and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) jointly operate an instrument for the exchange of early career researchers.
The instrument funds 3-month research stays in the partner country.
Switzerland-based researchers can apply to ETH Zurich for a stay in South Korea and South Korean researchers to the NRF for a stay in Switzerland.
Are you interested to hear experiences of former exchange students? Three exchange students talk about their experiences in Korea in a webinar organised by the S&T Office at the Swiss Embassy in Seoul. Please find the recording of the webinar external page here.
Doctoral and, in exceptional cases, early career postdoctoral researchers from Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences and public research institutes are invited to apply. The call is open to all disciplines including social sciences and humanities. All eligible institutions are featured on our website.
Grants will cover travel costs and a 3-month living allowance for a research stay at a Korean university or research laboratory.
Application Process
The application must be submitted through our online application form with the following attachments in one single pdf document (English).
The application shall include:
- Completed research plan including a project description and details about the host institution and the planned stay in South Korea (see research plan)
- CV of the applicant (Switzerland-based scholar)
- Supporting letter from the Switzerland-based supervisor
- Acceptance letter from the South Korean host supervisor
Applications that do not follow the instructions above will be dismissed.
The applications are now closed.
South Korean researchers interested in a stay in Switzerland should refer to the external page call page of the NRF for further information.
Interested in getting to know more about the 'Mobility Grants' through the lens of former grantees?
→ Discover the LH Asia Mobility Grantee Stories.